Friday, August 24, 2012

Obedient ?

Well...according to this YouTube video and what President Uchtdorf tells us in the video, I am doing what he says to do. I am Texting, Blogging, and Tweeting !!!......

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My favorite stores

I love it when I have to go to WalMart. There is something about that store that is like a magnet. That also goes for Deseret Industries (DI), a used merchandise store, where I can spend a goodly amount of time in there just looking for "something I need". Right now, I am leaving to go to both places !!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

9 days tending 2 grandchildren

While my daughter and her husband had a fun filled week on a cruise, I tended the two younger children. That was quite the I completely understand WHY the bearing and raising of children are for the younger generation.